What to do when you have a brace of honkers.
Why it works:
The extra spice and smoke help the dry gamey taste.
Plating Instructions
Tasting Journal
Date: 1/23/24
Tasting Notes: Made this for the first time with 4 Canadian goose breast that a friend gave me. I would not make more than 2 breast of this at a time, as it goes a long way. I ended up with way to much. Second, I used instacure white curing salt, and will try pink #2 new time. It turned out pretty pink, but oxidized and brown after cutting. The breasts should be trussed into a roll, or a circle before brining, This would make for a more even cure, and an easier deli slice. I rolled in too much Black pepper before smoking. Don't be afraid to cut other spices, but salt will not be needed. I smoked with hickory, but my grill wasn't clean, and it took an hour longer than intended. I think this dried out the breast too much. try to keep smoking to an hour. Cut thin with a deli slicer, and vacuum seal. Oxygen is the enemy. I served with a cracker and mascarpone. a wet brine might be better, or even an oil brine